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- ruel makes monsters
- some boys we know sure can draw
Previous Posts
- Appealing to your target market is the new awesome
- Rich AND Famous is the new awesome
- Making the Pioneers Proud is the new awesome
- Birthneer is the new awesome
- I TOLD you that weddings and all that stuff is the...
- Taking the blog back is the new awesome
- I am the new awesome
- Weddings and all that stuff is the new awesome
- Sweet Moves are the new awesome
- Lake Powell is the new awesome
At 12:23 AM,
bex said…
if you look closely, you will notice that August cat's eyes are a little crooked. like someone hit him over the head with a horseshoe or something. is that cute now?
At 1:46 AM,
Tannerama said…
August cat is the best because August is the best. Holler!
At 2:06 AM,
f*bomb. said…
They only have so much time...before you know it, the fall will come, and September cat will be hooking up with April cat, and the paparazzi will be going bonkers!
I can't even WAIT for November cat!
At 6:03 AM,
Elizabeth said…
Because, nothing reminds me more of kittens need of a cowboy hat than the month of August. :p
At 10:43 AM,
TUG said…
I think PETA needs to know about dressing up these poor unfortunate animals.
Is Michael Vick involved in this calendar?
At 3:03 PM,
Betsy said…
I mostly love how he also appears to have a bum leg. It's just dragging out there to the side.
At 5:13 PM,
Damian said…
he will ne'er be an airforce pilot
At 8:59 PM,
corinne said…
bets, are you sure it is a bum leg? or it is just his (bum) tail?
At 12:35 AM,
Betsy said…
Hahahaha...I think it's a paw. It's an airforce cowboy kitten.
At 8:27 AM,
each of the two said…
you ever go here?
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