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- I am the new awesome
- Weddings and all that stuff is the new awesome
- Sweet Moves are the new awesome
- Lake Powell is the new awesome
- So many stairs are the new awesome
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
if my last name were gay i would call my dry cleaning shop "gay cleaning" also. but, the fact that you are in san fran does make it ambiguous, doesn't it?
At 2:11 PM,
bex said…
i do wonder what aspect exactly makes the cleaning "gay."
At 8:47 PM,
Steve said…
leave it to thoes left wingers and thier ethnic clensing...
At 7:32 AM,
TUG said…
ummmm . . . It's too bad that this placed was closed or you could find out everything you need to know.
Maybe it is a spa for gays only. You know like how some country clubs are really exclusive.
What if you had to show a gay membership card to get your cloths washed.
You could sue for discrimination.
I think I'll stay in Newark, NJ
At 8:28 AM,
f*bomb. said…
At 2:04 AM,
f*bomb. said…
Upon consideration (and yes, I have considered this), I am thinking it must be a kosher thing. Like, "kosher pickles," prepared a certain way, "kosher dining," prepared according to custom.
Clearly, this is to make us understand that these clothes are not soiled by the hands of gentiles. Understandable.
At 1:48 PM,
Kristi said…
Your blog cracks me up! How funny.
At 10:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
i wonder if they offer the old 'fluff and fold'
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