French dips on Sunday for Cindy are the new awesome
So maybe you've read on Cindy's blog that once a month, on the first Tuesday, she eats a french dip sammy. Steve and I have been meaning to do this in mutual celebration with her for a few months now. Even though it wasn't a Tuesday, we decided to go for it last Sunday and make our delicious dinner.
I decided to make them the way my mom use to make them for us when I was a kid. I bought a london broil and broiled it in the oven. About 10 minutes on each side. The london broil is a fairly inexpensive cut of beef but if cooked properly, it's delicious. And it's perfect sliced thin for a french dip sandwich!
I didn't realize until I looked at these pictures that I dip my french dip the french way...with my pinky sticking up. It's very proper of me.

Steve on the other hand prefers the slightly less refined caveman method. Me dip sandwich in Au Jus!

Me take big bite of beef sandwich!
I decided to make them the way my mom use to make them for us when I was a kid. I bought a london broil and broiled it in the oven. About 10 minutes on each side. The london broil is a fairly inexpensive cut of beef but if cooked properly, it's delicious. And it's perfect sliced thin for a french dip sandwich!
I didn't realize until I looked at these pictures that I dip my french dip the french way...with my pinky sticking up. It's very proper of me.
Steve on the other hand prefers the slightly less refined caveman method. Me dip sandwich in Au Jus!
Me take big bite of beef sandwich!
At 8:39 AM,
each of the two said…
you always have the cutest hair accessories!
At 11:18 AM,
Betsy said…
well darn, looks as if my pictures decided to go away. can anyone else see them? hmmmmm...i'll get em back up there soon.
At 11:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can see them!
We've been making french dip a lot too lately. But we have been putting a roast in the crock pot. French dip is delicous!
At 12:23 PM,
Betsy said…
At 12:38 PM,
bex said…
i hope that every photo that you ever post of steve from here on out is him in that silly green starbucks apron he loves to wear around our house.
At 3:02 PM,
Betsy said…
I'm also wearing an apron but it's floral and looks sort of like a dress.
At 5:16 PM,
Steve said…
looking at this post makes me realize that I am so hungry...
bex, I look awesome in that apron...
At 5:21 PM,
Damian said…
the london broil is indeed a fine piece of meat. How Continental of you to unite the Londoner's broil with the French's dip.
Let's be honest, the French know how to do it right, from their "fries" to "dips" and exspecially their brand of "kissing" (do NOT get me started on their "toast").
At 9:16 PM,
Betsy said…
damian we're all just tryin' to find the person we wanna french forever.
At 10:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
betsy, how do you have such perfect bangs? i am in awe.
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
ps - i have crap for bangs right now. because i tried to get the perfect bangs. and, according to my bang history, i am only allowed good bangs about quarterly, perhaps even less.
At 11:53 PM,
bex said…
i live with betsy and i still dont even know how she gets such great bangs. maybe you can do a tutorial, roommate? adriane and i need some help.
At 8:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
uh oh...that probably means her bangs are "naturally" perfect. great. just great.
At 9:07 AM,
Betsy said…
Here's the thing about bangs. You need a lot of them to make them really work. I know it's scary but next time you go to your stylist, tell them you want to make your bangs thicker...have them cut more of them. I had issues w/my bangs being whispy and separating and stuff til I really took the plunge and cut a lot of them. You need enough of them to allow them to do their thing which is be totally awesome.
At 11:57 AM,
Damian said…
Sometimes frenching is just over-rated, but Ima get a french dip for lunch this very moment.
At 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
thanks for the bang advice, betsy. i will implement it immediately. and by immediately, i mean next wednesday, for that is my next scheduled hair maintenance.
At 10:36 PM,
Cindy Bean said…
You guys are great! I think homemade french dip sandwiches taste better than any that you can get in a restaurant. I haven't made one in a long time. Soon! I will make one soon!
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