Eyelashes are the new awesome
So I went and visited my most fabulous hair stylist & friend Preston Nesbit this past Saturday and while I was waiting for my hair to process I decided to go crazy and have him dye my eyelashes. I know...insane right? But if you're a blond like me, that means you have blond/invisible eyelashes unless you're wearing mascara. Here's my eyes with my favorite mascara:

Don't get me wrong, mascara is great. I love it. It's my favorite item of make-up. But what if I want to rub my eyes because I'm tired? Or what if I want to watch Steel Magnolias and cry for two hours? Or go swimming all day long...then what?
Well, here's my solution...not as dramatic and "made up" as mascara, but still so nice to have the option to go without!
Don't get me wrong, mascara is great. I love it. It's my favorite item of make-up. But what if I want to rub my eyes because I'm tired? Or what if I want to watch Steel Magnolias and cry for two hours? Or go swimming all day long...then what?
Well, here's my solution...not as dramatic and "made up" as mascara, but still so nice to have the option to go without!
At 10:36 AM,
bex said…
you didn't even talk about what happens when you swim all day long while simulaneously watching steal magnolias. um. all i can say is - nice work, preston.
At 10:54 AM,
Alice said…
My sister is a total blonde and used to dye her eyelashes before she had kids and had money. I'm fortunate to be a blonde with dark eyelashes.
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
aw shucks. now i can't see the pictures. :(
At 2:20 PM,
Ashlynn {mamabear} said…
I wish I still did this - I used to get my eyelashes & eyebrows dyed (I am a blonde as well) & I loved it. I never seem to wear makeup now - maybe I should try this solution again.
I even started doing it myself at the end!
At 2:46 PM,
Betsy said…
i hate blogger for hating on the new awesome.
At 2:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
ahhh...the unending blond dilemma...to dye or not to dye? i actually am an esthetician so i perform these services on all sorts of blonds and redheads (and the occasional graying brunette) and they are always so grateful and astounded at the results. women like you keep me in business!!!! thankyouthankyouthankyou!
At 3:52 PM,
Betsy said…
I am every hairstylists dream.
At 5:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
yes, you are! and in every way possible. good bangs, lashes which need tinting. luckily (for whom i'm not sure), i am not a stylist but a design consultant who happens to be an esthetician on the side.
now, if you have zits to be picked and hair to be ripped out at the root, i'm your girl.
At 6:18 PM,
Alice said…
If only I could have eyelashes like your Bets. My brother and my little 4 yr old nephew have the perfect eyelashes...curse boys and their unnecessary beauty.
At 12:37 PM,
k8 said…
it's sort of dream of mine to one day get my hair cut by your friend Preston...
At 10:24 PM,
corinne said…
betsy, my sister just got EYELASH EXTENSIONS! they are way crazy and high maintenance but look so PRETTY. she gets them filled once a month and they are very beautiful. i love your dyed eyelashes for sure.
At 12:01 AM,
f*bomb. said…
I only WISH I had enough eyelash to bother dying. I always feel like my attempts with mascara are a cruel, cruel act of futility.
That whole "last extension" business is sooo tempting. And if I had extra money to blow on needless things, hair extension and eyelash extensions would. be. IT.
At 12:00 AM,
Veeda said…
I am ultra jealous of you and your great lashes.
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey i give people lash extensions...it's pretty much the core of my esthetician income. i hate doing it but i love my clients. how does that work? i think tomorrow i have 7 eyelash touch-up appointments (keep in mind i only work as an esthetician once a week). they are amazing. way cooler than fakey band lashes with the goopy glue.
At 6:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I apply false eyelashes to look pretty...
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