Sunday, July 01, 2007

July Cat is the new awesome

Just in case you've missed the series of posts I've been doing about my rad cat calendar here's a little recap:

April Cat
May Cat
June Cat

After a slight letdown in June, my cat calendar returned better than ever for July. I present to you July Cat!

And while we're on the subject of cats, I thought I'd update you on how Lucy, the Death Scab for Scootie mascot is doing. I was in Utah last week on vacation with my family and it was the first time I'd seen Lucy since we did this to her last time I was in town.

Her hair is growing back beautifully but since the weather is so hot in Utah right now, Lucy may have another shave in store very soon.


  1. Yikes!

    At least our mascot is looking better.

  2. Do you think they really make hats that small for purchase? or do you think they just previously belonged to old ladies with really petite heads? I hope it's the later.

  3. i love her tail. cracking me up.

  4. who knew cats could be so freaky.

  5. the tail is great, and yes. it is way too hot in Utah right now.
