Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Playing catch-up is the new awesome

I haven't even posted actual photos of my trip to Oregon yet, which means we are REALLY behind here at TNA.

I went to Hood River, OR with amber and kim, two of my best friends from way back to my freshman year of college. We got along pretty well all weekend, except for one slight altercation over which mac and cheese to eat - the cheesey packet Velveeta vs powder packet Kraft.

We got over that pretty quickly because we had some serious business to attend to. Pear season! Seriously. Have you guys been taking advantage of all the delicious pears out right now? They are so good right now. And in Hood River they have all these different farms that you can go visit (they call it the Fruit Loop, which is awfully clever) where you drive to all the different farms and pick your own fruit and eat jam (i bought some vanilla pear jam even though it meant i was going to have to check my bags at the airport. i hate checking bags at the airport, so you know that stuff must have been good).

I was excited at the idea of getting to pick my own fruits and things, but I sat on this tractor for, like, hours, and couldn't figure out how to farm pumpkins with it.

Pumpkin fields are better for posing in anyway. Oregon really is lovely.
This was a lavendar farm, and it smelled just as good as it looked.
The bathrooms, unfortunately, didn't smell as good as they looked.

There were also alpaca farms, with alpacas to pet (and buy). We were really excited for this!
OMG. Double excited. They let you buy little cups of food to feed the alpacas.
By this time I am almost peeing my pants with excitement, as kim gets to feed a few pellets to the super soft alpaca with the incredible Don King hair going on.
And? And? Alas. I think the excitement was built up a little too much. They just kind of slobber on you, and some of them were a little mean.
But let me tell you about one thing that DID live up to expectations. The greatest invention ever - PIE IN A CONE! What an amazing combo. An acceptable way to just shovel pie into your mouth without having to be fork and knive mannerly about it?
Let's just say that there was plenty of eating, just like amber is demonstrating. Don't tell anyone, but I secretly think about moving to Oregon some day. I really like it up there.


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    oregon is pretty. and it seems like everyone i know is going there these days. why, oh why not me?

    i will get over this surly mood soon enough. won't i?

  2. oregon is the greatest. i'm a big fan. did you hit up multnomah falls? (hey it's me libby! union square ward, nyc???)

  3. I've never been there, but according to the "where in the US should you live" quiz, over half my cities were located in Oregon and Washington. The others were California and some random North Carolina, but the top choices were all Upper-West states!
