Thursday, October 11, 2007

Missing you is the new awesome

Sometimes you decide to get married and it turns your whole world upside down. Not because you're one of those bridezilla kinda brides but because the art of getting married requires lots of change. Some that's fun, some that's scary, most of it stressful and some sad too.

I feel like I've been out of the loop with most of my friends for the past month or two and the funny thing is when I see them, they all say "oh you must be so busy with the wedding!" And each time I have to say "actually no, not really." The wedding planning for me has been great. My mom and my sisters have done just about everything and I get to approve or veto things. It's been the best ever. And since I'm none too particular, it's been pretty easy. You can see pictures of my last trip to Utah including the wedding shower my family threw for me here.

The thing that took up 3 solid weeks of life was finding a new apartment in San Francisco. Steve and I weren't prepared at all for how tough it would be. We thought with our combined income and our stunning good looks we'd have our pick of places. Not so. We quickly realized we were competing with 25 other "Steve & Betsy's" for every $1900/mo. 1 tiny bedroom dump posted on craigslist. It was really discouraging. In the end, with the help of our friends Andy and Emily who were vacating their super sweet, split-level, complete with roof deck style loft in SOMA, we were able to slip right into their place. I'm so thrilled to be living where I'm living now (hello dishwasher, garbage disposal, washer/dryer, guest bathroom!) but that means I moved out of my apartment with Bex two weekends ago and that pretty much makes me want to cry. Thanks to the new awesome our escapades will go down in internet history but it's the things that didn't always make the blog that I'll miss the most...talking about boys and life and jobs and junk while eating nestle refrigerator cookie dough...Bex's incessant watching of Rachael Ray cooking know, the good times.

Well, the new awesome isn't dead yet so in true new awesome style, I present to you a bunch of pictures! Last Saturday my best girlfriends threw me an amazing shower here in SF at a restaurant called Maverick. Thanks Jules, Kat, Bex, Linds and Court for planning and thanks to everyone else that came. What a great day. I love my friends.

Before the shower Jules, Kat, Bex & Linds took me to a spa in my new neighborhood for a pedicure!

Then we met up with everyone for the most delicious brunch ever.

And a nice game of True Love Bingo!

And presents!


  1. Try finding a place to live in Zürich. Talk about hell. Good luck you Bets. MARRIAGE ROCKS!!

  2. lots of bumps along the road...seems like things are smoothing out now! you are great and thanks again for the fun bridal shower!

  3. snif. i still have cookie dough if you want to come over and talk about boys and rachel ray. any time.

  4. My favourite part is "stratigically inviting him to Love Is Chemicals"- You're a dating GENIUS. And Nathan is a gem. A GEM.
    Love IS Chemicals! Hooray, Betsy y Santos!!!

  5. yeah! bets is back! i missed you. i am so excited to see you at your reception. prepare to be squeezed by me. i just wanted to say that your hair looks so fabulous. i know this sounds swab-esque but i mean it - your bangs are so hot! seriously, they look great. also, i totally have 2 sets of those bowls in that last picture. i love them. i had oatmeal in one of them this morning. xoxo!

  6. Remember the time when that guy took that one apartment out from under us because he wrote a cheek for 6 months rent? Morale was low.

  7. I'm excited to see you in a couple of weeks on your big day. yay!

  8. Betsy, CONGRATULATIONS! I decide to drop off the face of the earth again and you go finding the love of your life. Huzzah anyway!

    The Santos, the Family site is adorable... I'm all smiles. Huzzah for love.

  9. sad. i love the new awesome. and i love you guys.
