Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the Hipster Mullet is the new awesome

Greetings, comrades. I made it back on American soil yesterday after taking care of some of that business that I mentioned a few weeks ago. I have some real photos to post, but first, I wanted to make a small tribute to my new favorite male hair accessory: the hipster mullet.

I know we have been seeing them all over the streets of Williamsburg for years, but I think I never truly had any feelings about the hipster mullet until I saw the sweet eastern-european version of it on practically everyone in Russia. Be still, my heart:

No, really. EVERYONE in Russia had a mullet - and not the full bodied w.t. american kind of mullet that you see on small town boys that ride around with the confederate flag and a gun rack in the back window of their pick-up trucks. These mullets were tailored to be just enough of a rat-tail/mullet combo that you almost couldn't tell that there was all this extra hair in the back of the head until you got a side glace. It was totally hot. I think I fell in love about 172 times a day based solely on haircut.

Behold! A stealthy collection of the hottest hair trend in Russia:

The girls have mullets. The dogs have mullets. Even the totally fash mannequins have mullets.

I know, right? You are all feeling weak in the knees right now, aren't you?


  1. Do we follow Russian trends or do they follow us? When will the streets of Salt Lake be peppered with the Russian Mullet? Everyone still has a fauxhawk here.

  2. Never fear.. I will bring evidence of the fem mullet back from mother russia when i return...

  3. these kids aren't russian! i think some of them are in my ward!

  4. Man, I thought you were fooling me and you really visited Missouri until I saw the Russian writing in the background of one picture. When I moved to KC I declared it Mullet Capital of the World, but I may consider down grading it in light of your evidence to Mullet Capital of the USA.

  5. My favorite mullet was at the free Tiffany concert at BYU way back in 2000 I think it was. He had the basic SFLB with Vanilla Ice rows on the side.

  6. yeah thats pretty much the newest awesome ever.

  7. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Western europe also adores the hipster mullet. Jared and I considered haircuts our last days together to pay our respects to this trend. so hot right now.

  8. Mullets are on my list of things that were funny in 1999 but stopped being funny shortly thereafter.

  9. Jordan - that is what I am trying to tell you! The mullet has eclipsed the funny thing and has moved straight into being sexy.

  10. Hahaha. I was on the bus about a couple of years ago and I saw this pair of awesomly hot guys sitting across from me. I got this vibe, like what's *different* about this pair of totally do-able dudes, hmmm? They had scarves. They had mullets. They had skinny man jeans before they were out there. I was all staring and trying to figure out what their nationalities might be, cause even though neither had spoken, I got this sense it might not be english, and they were probably not caring to learn english either. Low and behold, one opened his mouth and the truth rang throughout that sinky-umbrella bus: I, Sarah, must go to whereever it is that men with mullets speak that slavic hotness. Possibly Russia. Or the (former) Yugoslavia. Or the Ukraine. Maybe Poland (i'm really bad at accents)

  11. Wha?

    i dont even have an arguement.

    its hard to argue with a man (woman) who embodies the duality of business and party.

    enter the barbers a loser and exit taking names and kicking ass.

  12. Anonymous10:44 AM

    i'm not sure how to take this, since where i grew up mullets were a sign of either in-breeding or lack of style.

    however, these shots are alluring.

  13. The mullet is what gets me. Wowza.

  14. haha I meant MANNEQUIN is what gets me. That takes commitment to the mullet.

  15. oh my gosh. I remember when I lived in Idaho in 1988 and every boy had that haircut. you're right. totally hot.

  16. Anonymous8:50 AM

    here in utah (in the burbs, i should make known), the mullet is usually a sign of a redneck upbringing. or a die-hard devotion to billy ray cyrus. the men sporting these hairdo(n't)s are usually driving big pickup trucks with "ain't skeered" written across the back window, through which one can vaguely make out the lines of a gun rack. racked with guns.

    now, in the city, cindy has it right. the faux hawk is still all the rage. when will people here realize that it is no longer 2003? sweet bros and frat boys beware...your hair no longer cool. the emo kids have gotten at least one thing right...the hair.

  17. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I did a guy with a hipster mullet...he was hot. Have you ever seen a chick with a hipster mullet?

  18. Been wanting to do the Barcelona mullet ever since a trip there about 4 years ago and think it's finally time. This was the first posting I clicked on. Little did I know it was part of the "mormon hipster" network that is a peripheral part of my world. Anyway, post some more (esp front shots) so I can put on my converse and head over to Rudy's Barbershop in Los Feliz and get it chopped right. I'll post photos on my blog when it happens.


  19. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Ugh. Jesus Christ.

  20. Anonymous12:40 PM

    It's proof that the sexiest men on the planet are Russian.
    Strong but quiet and the bonus Mullet!
    They are Gods.

  21. Anonymous4:36 PM

    uumm US had this mullet in the 198o's... and i think it looks pretty much the same, sorry :(

  22. Kind of makes one queezy. ..
