Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Talented friends are the new awesome

Last Thursday, Steve and I went to an artist's reception at the Swarm Gallery in Oakland.

The best part about this artist's reception was that it was for my good friend and x-San Francisco neighbor Casey!

You can check out Casey's art here. It's absolutely amazing.

The other best part was Half-Handed Cloud played! I'm a lucky girl to have such talented friends.


  1. O, yaay for Casey! And please tell your Half-Handed Cloud friend that I love his website.

  2. Casey's head looks like it is exploding with art!

  3. oh no! are we having picture upload problems again? please fix please fix please fix.

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    turns out my mom was there. must have been a cool show if my mom was there.
    hurray bay area. whish i could have joined you.

  5. looking good, Casey

    what mountains are those?
