Sunday, June 17, 2007

Keeping it straight is the new awesome

Okay, okay - you know if bets is having to write entire posts dedicated to making me get back into the internet, things must be crazy busy around here. The thing is, sometimes I wonder if anyone but her notices that I haven't been posting for a week? Sometimes, in fact, I suspect that when it comes to TNA, people sort of think that bets and i are actually the same person. Even though it says at the bottom of each post who the author was, sometimes people still tell us "i think i am finally getting to the point that i can tell which one of you is writing each post" as if we have tried purposefully to confuse everyone.

For instance, recently my friend wrote a book:

And she interviewed me to be in it! She profiled me in the journaling/blogging section, and I made sure to tell her that I wrote a blog with my roommate so that she wouldn't think I wanted to take all the new and awesome credit. However (don't tell her) but when I got my copy of the book, i was mortified to find that the profile read "she and her roommate (who also happens to be named rebecca) keep a joint blog ..."

I obviously had never called my roommate by my own name, so I can only assume that my friend came to the blog and got "bex" and "bets" confused, thinking that they were short for the same name. How many people have been making this same mistake (and printing it in books)?!?

So. In order to prevent incorrect assumptions such as this to be made in the future, here are some things that you should know about bets and I to keep us both straight:

Bets - short for betsy - throws away money that she thinks is dirty. The other day she gave me this dollar because it looked like it had some funny brown unidentified stains on it. (I wish her $20 was the diritier bill).

Whereas Bex (that's me. currently talking in 3rd person) - short for rebecca - actually LIKES to pick up ugly, dirty stuff (such as paintings of old women in straw hats) off the side of the road and put them in her room.

Bets is the one who watches cooking shows, makes everything from scratch, and insists on scooping her chocolate chip cookie dough with a mellon baller to achive perfect OCD rounded cookies.

Bex is the one that only eats cookies that come from tubes of dough pre-packaged at the supermarket and has a diet consisting of mostly spaghettios and other canned goods.

Bets is the one with incredibly stubby legs . ..

And Bex is the one with an anorexic bicep, the freakishly short forearm and one enormous hand.

If that doesn't help everyone to keep the two of us straight, I don't know what will.


  1. whoa. please tell me those legs are just an optical illusion.

  2. they are. i'm on a hill. but whatever. it's the only picture this 5'10" girl has ever looked short in (also, rebecca actually has giant biceps).

    also, for the record, i throw away dirty pennies as well. right into the trash...see ya!

  3. i wish i knew how to take optical illusion photos on purpose, but those were both accidents

  4. for the record. i miss you when you're gone bex.

  5. Thowing away DIRTY MONEY???
    Bets, there have got to be some mighty happy bums out there for you...Perhaps you could save them in a jar to give away later, instead of adding more litter to the street?

  6. now that it's not 6:35am anymore and i've had time to process this post in my brain i have a few more comments:

    1) i can't believe that girl said i was named rebecca in her book. when did "bets" become short for "rebecca." i hope you're reading this comment book girl and i hope you say sorry to me very soon.

    2) here's the thing about that dollar bill. it looked like someone may have literally wiped their bum with it. and i never feel badly for throwing away dirty pennies because I figure people are finding them all over the place and having good luck because of me.

    3) it's a cookie scoop, not a melon baller. you're talking about two totally different (and awesome) kitchen tools.

    4) maybe people get confused because I have blond hair then I dyed it dark brown for a year and now it's back to normal blond again. bex always has brown hair.

    5) i miss bex when she's not blogging and i'm so happy she's back!

  7. luckily bets only throws away dirty money that is literally dirty, and not the cash that she makes illegally in her spare time.

    also - thanks jocie.

  8. wow, thank you for the explanation, this definitely helps make it clearer for me! and to think, i would have wrongfully thought bets cooked!

  9. Which one of you did I go to New York with?

  10. no, no. bets DOES cook. bex eats frozen foods.

    and cindy - i think it was me that went to ny with you, but i never actually blogged very completely about the experience, so maybe it wasn't?

  11. Yeah, how can you go somewhere and not blog about it?

  12. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "I suspect that when it comes to TNA, people sort of think that bets and i are actually the same person."


  13. you both are great. thanks for being the new awesome!

  14. maybe for this hslloween you can go as each other

  15. oh right, bets cooks, bex eats canned goods.... man, this is sooo confusing!

  16. sometimes it goes "bets cooks, bex eats what bets cooks." that works too.

    this is like a tounge twister.

  17. i'll admit that when i first started reading the blog (not knowing either of you personally) i had to really think hard after each blog to who was who. i mean, bets, bex... kinda close... but it is the new awesome to confuse your readers.

  18. this comment section is the new awsome, probably the most humourous i have read here yet. love this blog. and while think you are both TNA i and my OCD tendencies and hatred of canned foods (they taste of metal, except corn for some reason) i identify with Bets...

  19. that's okay, eachofthetwo. i can't expect to win them all. but if that means that you also like to give away dirty money, i know a certain someone that would make sure it went to a good home. . . (though I warn you, I would probably just go buy some canned peaches with it.)

  20. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I think i peed a little when I read "anorexic bicep."

    (because it was funny--not because i have a weak bladder and chose to announce this)

  21. No, sorry i keep all money no matter how dirty and skanky, but i could be convinced to donate to the Canned Peaches for Bex fund.
    i mean, it does sound like such a worthy cause.

  22. And some of us are just so wealthy we use dollar bills as toilet paper. THAT must have been how you found it!

  23. I giggled a lot at that post. :)
