Wednesday, December 05, 2007

B.F.F is the new awesome

Emily and I made a new best friend yesterday:

No big deal. Only one of the most fascinating actors ever. And look how close I am to almost pinching his butt!

We got to interview him about his new film that he will be screening next week at the Castro Theatre, preceeded by his brilliant dramatic reading/BIG SLIDE SHOW. (The interview ought to be on SFist next week). We got to sit on a couch with him and ask about hair fetishes and his unique middle name, but our interview was cut short because he had to catch a plane and I didn't get to ask him all sorts of things that I had planned to.

The thing I think is so funny about Crispie (I can call him that for short, now that we are BFF) is that unlike normal celebrities, no one has a boring old story about seeing him at the mall drinking a smoothie. Everyone always has weird urban legend-like stories that they swear are true, and that generally involve some sort of bizarre behavior or public outburst. I kept waiting for him to try to kick Emily's head off or something. He is almost disapointingly polite in his interviews.

So anyway, now that we are totally BFF and I think he is going to invite Em and I to his castle/sound stage in the Czech Republic, I think there will be plenty of time to ask him if he really DID go to Disneyland with Nicolas Cage while wearing a purple suit like my sister's friend says she saw him do. Or if he really did tell some guy in a Utah thrift store that he hates children's art, like Aaron's friend says. I'll ask him for confirmation on other stories too. Anyone else heard/have any really good urban C.G. rumors/myths?


  1. !

    His middle name is really "Hellion"?

    I gotta hand it to him, or his parents. That can't be beat with a stick.

  2. Yes. His given middle name is Hellion - funny, right? I always thought he gave that name to himself. This just goes to prove my theory that when you name your children strange things, they behave accordingly.

  3. for being such a weirdo he really has an amazingly soothing voice and striking features! i can't believe you were that close to him! so did you see the film? is it as freaky as all the reviews say it is?

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    i didn't just see him, i tapped his shoulder! by 14 i knew what was up. (it was a green and black pin stripe, not purple...)

  5. I don't have a story, just an anecdote.

    My friend saw him at Pizza Hut (in Salt Lake) with a pay phone in a backpack.

    A pay phone!

  6. I think I saw this guy in a movie once.

  7. I really couldn't in good faith tell anyone to go watch the movie. But the Slideshow beforehand is good clean fun.

    Green and black pin stripe? That is even better than I had remembered that story. Do you have a photo of that day, Grace?

    And pay phones in backpacks. Now THAT is what I am talking about.

  8. Ahhh. I remember the first time I pinched Crispin's butt. Good times.

  9. Anonymous9:59 PM

    i totally have picture documentation. its in good ol newbury park, i'll send you a copy come christmas time, huh?

  10. According the myHeritage, and some human sources as well, I look 85% like Crispin.....wish that could get you to touch my butt too.

  11. I saw a guy who looked just like him on Friday, but my roommate didn't know his name so I had to say "the dad from Back to the Future"

  12. It doesn't matter what his name is since he will always be George McFly to me.

  13. I can't believe I never posted on this. This photo, this experience, makes me feel so good inside.

  14. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I'm reading your post, a week later, and its confirmed again - you are the coolest. You dare pinch lil Crispin Gloveron the toosh?

    I love you!
