Monday, August 06, 2007

Summer lovin' is the new awesome

Bex and I have two true loves this summer.

1) Guitar Hero

2) Harry Potter

Rebecca finished the last Harry Potter book in two days flat. I still have apx. 350 pages to go. I think I was hesitant at first to finish the book too fast because then how would I entertain myself for the rest of the summer? That's not an issue anymore thanks to Bex purchasing Guitar Hero. Now I can just be a rock star for the rest of the summer.


  1. Jealous much? YES!!!

  2. Harry Potter has been awesome for years . . .

    But the new Harry Potter is definitely the NEW AWESOME.

    People tell me I need to learn this Guitar Hero stuff, I will take it to heart now that I know it is awesome!

  3. both pretty great right? Bex we sould talk last few chapters.

  4. that is awesome... just know that guitar hero can be used to buy friends as well. tons of people beg us to come over and play. and did you see they now have guitar hero 80s addition???

  5. cindy - i got it because of the fun times we shared playing guitar hero together!!

    thomc- i am glad it is our endorsement that put you over the edge. come over any time and we'll show you how it is done.

    english k - SERIOUSLY.

    two forks r - we are proud owners of the 80s edition. i know it is an easy song, but all i want to do is rock I Ran (So Far Away)by A Flock of Seagulls all day long.

    mostly i just like that in our house we put up posters of all the things that we love. we don't make it that tough to figure us out.

  6. i love both of these things so much!!!

  7. I would love to come over and lay Guitar Hero.

    The problem . . . I live in Jersey (aka Zion) and I don't think that you all live here!

  8. What exactly do you mean when you say you want to "lay guitar hero?"

  9. betsy, someone should explain a little something about the birds and the bees to you. See, when a person and video game are very much in love ...

  10. Wait... THE Thom Carter I grew up with in Concord NH? How do you know these lovely ladies?!?!

  11. Heather . . . I am THE Thom Carter - But it was BOW, New Hampshire.

    I don't know these ladies, I want to know these ladies, I don't even know how I found their blog, but I need to be more awesome, so it helps.

  12. Reunion!!!!!!!!!!

  13. not going to lie...guitar hero makes even those that can't keep a beat look like (okay maybe feel like) a rock star!
