Monday, August 20, 2007

Making out with Nature is the new awesome

I went to Tahoe this weekend with a bunch of outdoorsy people:

I know what you are thinking. I called that group outdoorsy and then showed a weird picture of them, exposing them as a group of people that also passes the time by trying to stack their heads on top of one another and then photograph it. Well. People often surprise you. Like this gentleman I saw at the 7-11 in Tahoe, eating a slurpee for breakfast. He probably looks all tough until he shows his tounge and it is blue.

Anyway. I went to Tahoe with a group of people that stacks their heads for fun, so imagine my surprise when they got up Saturday morning and announceed that we would be hiking. All I had on my feet were a pair of flip flops. No one told me to bring sturdy walking shoes (not that Brant's vans without socks is exactly hardcore hiking gear either) - but everyone I have ever come to Tahoe with in the past was mostly interested in sunning themselves by the lake with an occasional dip in the water, not hiking. I'm not complaining. I like hiking. I was just a little unprepared.

Is this my going to the beach outfit, or my going hiking outfit? Answer: they are the same thing.

As I prepared to flip flop my way along the trail, Brant and Matt made sure to stretch before this strenuous hike. Inadvertantly I think they did some sort of mating dance...

because after that, brant had to do most of the hike like this:

When we got to the lake part of the hike, everyone went swimming...

even though the water was just as cold as they told us it was going to be.

Since there were only signs about how cold the water was and not about feeding the wildlife, we shared our trail mix lunch with some of the natives.

Cindy. I am sorry to tell you this, but i sort of kissed your boyfriend's cousin, the chipmunk. One minute we were eating apples together, and the next minute? Well. It just sort of happened.

But seriously. When nature is this pretty, how can you not want to make out with it?


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    i am beginning to think that all you do is vacation, dear rebecca. and i am green.

    one of these days i will vacay your way and then who will have a blog to post? me, that's right. me. (i only sound like this because i'm jealous of your endless vacations and the subsequent blogs about said vacations.)

  2. I think one day, I will be described as an "indoorsy-type".

  3. There were a lot of things I wanted to make out in the beautiful back country of Tahoe. Especially the new found creature on the rocks that we swam out too!

  4. Ooooooo...your powers over the cousin of the squirrel are great! You have raised the bar on rodent making out pictures. That was amazing! I'm going to have to try tempting squirrels in that way too. I hope I don't get rabies!

  5. all i do IS vacation. Except for all the days I have to go to work ; ) SF makes for good vacations, adriane, so you should consider that.

    damian. i just sometimes call you a doorsy type, because i know how you like jim morrisson.

    uzi. i can't believe you guys swam all the way out to that island in that cold water and no one even made out with Evans when you got there.

    Cindy. You bring up a very good point. Rabies seems to be the #1 downfall of making out with nature. I will have to be more careful in the future. Or visit planned parenthood and see if they have any rabies preventatives?

  6. Making out with the awesome girls would be really awesome.

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    bex...i actually am considering a trip to sf! if only brant and i could quit playing phone tag, the plans would actually be in fruition rather than in their current state of incoherence. hey, maybe i can get some info from IS sf in mid-january?

  8. well, it was dissapointing no one made out with evans (that fine specimen) but at least we know how to track him down in the future. maybe he will take up erica's offer and grace us with his presence... eh. probably not.

  9. evans will come. not only was he impressed w/ our fine swimming skills...i also caught him checking out uzi and her mermaid skills. let's be honest...making out w/ evans in nature would be the new awesome.

  10. stacking heads looks like a great new communal sport and no sturdy shoes are required! plus it can be played by sorts of doorsy people!

  11. all this talk of evans and no talk of phillip our grocery store boyfriend.

  12. Anonymous6:17 PM

    ps...i know i am on comment overload today (VERY VERY slow day at work for me), but i just remembered something...making out PERIOD is pretty awesome.

  13. Sept in SF is pretty great, but I think Jan is SF isn't anything to cry about. Just bring sweaters!

  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    i think january in sf will be a bit balmy compared to january in utah...i will probably have to wear a bathing suit the whole time!
