Monday, July 30, 2007

Appealing to your target market is the new awesome

I don't totally even know what it is that they do here (and maybe i don't want to know, though it looks a lot like a normal dry cleaning place), but they must be serious about it because they made a neon sign for it.

i love living in San Francisco.


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    if my last name were gay i would call my dry cleaning shop "gay cleaning" also. but, the fact that you are in san fran does make it ambiguous, doesn't it?

  2. i do wonder what aspect exactly makes the cleaning "gay."

  3. leave it to thoes left wingers and thier ethnic clensing...

  4. ummmm . . . It's too bad that this placed was closed or you could find out everything you need to know.

    Maybe it is a spa for gays only. You know like how some country clubs are really exclusive.

    What if you had to show a gay membership card to get your cloths washed.

    You could sue for discrimination.

    I think I'll stay in Newark, NJ

  5. Upon consideration (and yes, I have considered this), I am thinking it must be a kosher thing. Like, "kosher pickles," prepared a certain way, "kosher dining," prepared according to custom.
    Clearly, this is to make us understand that these clothes are not soiled by the hands of gentiles. Understandable.

  6. Your blog cracks me up! How funny.

  7. Anonymous10:41 AM

    i wonder if they offer the old 'fluff and fold'
