Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Working in The Office is the new awesome

Last week NBC's The Office had a segment where all the boys go hang out in the girls bathroom. I was immediately jealous, because the women's bathroom at Dunder Mifflin had a couch! I decided it was time to do a little exposé on what office bathrooms REALLY look like (unless it turns out that I work in the only office with a non-furnished women's bathroom in america, in which case: roast on me!)

I snuck my camera into the bathroom this morning to see what REALLY happens in there:

First, I have this handy sign that someone has taken the liberty to post on the inside of every stall door, with helpful subcategories such as "When should you wash your hands?" and "How to wash your hands properly." Maybe someone noticed that we have a handwashing problem in the office, and thought this the most inoffensive way to make things take a turn for the better?

The best part is that someone just printed this little guide out on their own accord - it isn't an offical sign - it has obviously been printed off someone's inkjet computer and clandestinely placed on the stall doors of the women's bathroom.

Secondly, and somewhat more annoying, is that the paper towels have been sticking inside the dispenser this week, so all these women with wet hands try to get a paper towel out and end up ripping whatever little piece they can get their hands on to shreds ... and then they leave the pieces of ripped paper towel on the floor as if no one ever taught them to clean up for themselves.

Sometimes I think that we have to call what we do "going to work" because we couldn't keep calling it "going to kindergarten" every year as we got older, no matter how applicable. Don't even get me started on our shared kitchen space (it smells like someone is cooking hobo socks in the microwave again as we speak)


  1. I think that if the bathroom in my office had a couch, I'd be in there taking a nap all the time. That's probably why they don't have on here. I was telling some of my friends last night actually about the awesome couches/lounge area in the women's bathrooms in the Wilkinson center. Sometimes its great to be a woman...I mean...have you been in the downstairs mother's lounge at church? I hear that the couch is mighty comfortable.

  2. gross. is this at your brat job?

  3. yes. no one at brat knows how to clean up after themselves. it's a government job, what can we expect?

  4. The final line there killed me. It'd also explain why my coworkers keep eating all of the paste.

  5. the shreds of paper looks like a feral cat is on the loose in your office.

    and mmm, hobo socks for dinner again mom!

  6. maybe lucy is loose in the office! that mess looks like the type of thing that only someone in a turtleneck could have been behind

  7. hello. a while ago i was at a party with bex (i think it was you) and you told me about a website that you can put all your favorite blogs in and then it will tell you when you fav blogs have been updated. what it the link to that website?

  8. the bonus? you have pink to identify it's a ladies bathroom. mine is ugly boring white and sometimes i see centipedes crawling across the floor... until i squash them.

  9. centipedes? seriously? i guess I should quit complaining about paper towel bits on the floor.

    Sharon - it's bloglines!

  10. My co-worker Terry gets upset when I take the office reading material such as US or Entertainment magazine into the bathroom. She says it gives the magazine bad germs.

  11. I totally agree with Terry. I think that's gross and totally germ spready.

  12. I just think it is funny that you bring reading material into the bathroom at work. I thought that in shared community bathrooms you still sort of have to pretend that you don't poop? And nothing says poop to me than walking into a stall with US Weekly underarm. You must be very comfortable with one another in your office.

    We have a bunch of crappy catalogs that someone brought into our bathroom (i should have photographed them too) but if i ever see one actually sitting in one of the stalls, i don't want to touch it.

  13. what? do you mean those catalogs are for reading?

  14. Reading helps me relax...

  15. -If the hobo HAS socks, that is one lucky hobo.

    So you got me thinking about the paper towel situation and then lo! THERE ARE THE SHREDS! EVIDENCE. Maybe you should show the lady who posted the wash instructions. Betcha SHE'll give them the business.

  16. ...And maybe I used to sleep on the 4th floor of the library. In the bathroom. It was carpeted.

  17. I used to work for a lady in DC, and since it was in her house, there wasn't much private space for me, so i would sleep in the bathroom on occasion. I should have taken a cue from Cindy and brought US Weekly in with me, so as to give a reason for spending 30 minutes in the bathroom.

  18. the women's faculty restroom at my high school has a bed in it! luckily it's in a separate room type area of the bathroom so it's not fully exposed to germy flushing toilets. the last school i worked in had a couch and school supplies decoratively arranged. the school i worked in before had a stiff backed couch thing and a couple arm chairs - but it was a one-seater so we needed a place to hang and wait our turn.

    from all i've heard, the men's restrooms in these schools have had absolutely NO couch/chair/bed type thing.

  19. Anonymous5:57 PM

    the girls bathroom at my job has very flattering lighting for mirror gazing.

    but the boys bathroom rarely gets used. so it's a difficult decision for me...which to use. friend brant made an appearance on your blog and he bragged. now i'm a regular reader.

  20. you know what I like to do in the bathroom?

    in case you are still wondering, the answer is: Poop

    also, if I don't have to poop for reals, I will just make poop noises, and then a huge sigh of relief. Then you look at the other guys when you leave and nod a bit like they know the score.

  21. The bathrooms in my office have similiar "How to Flush" signs. Seriously.

  22.'s true that the Wilk bathrooms have couches, but now that the EFY-ers are their way, the last think I want to do is go in them. And the men's is out of the question...I'd lose my job.

    p.s. I'm a friend of k8's.

  23. Anonymous10:15 AM

    mmmm...hobo socks!
