Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Day NOT in my neighborhood is the new awesome

I spent this Memorial Day in North Carolina's outer banks, in an infamous spot called Duck Beach, where every year hundreds of us descend upon the beach to rent these enormous million bedroom monster houses for a weekend of fun. This was the house I stayed in:

Like all of the homes out here it came with its own cheesy name - "Angels Allure" - (best said aloud in a whisper while your hands slowly move over your face) and was aptly named as it was filled with cheesy angel statues.

One of these isn't an angel statue. One of them is Mike. It is hard to tell which one is which, but Mike is the one on the bottom.

I stayed with two of my lovely college roommates that I haven't seen in forever, Jocelyn and Hollie

I spent time reading Harry Potter

Playing (and winning) my share of foosball games...

And going crab hunting in the middle of the night! The crabs come out and run around the beach, and if you are quick and not afraid of being pinched, you can pick them up and make girls scream.

Once you have an entire cooler full of angry crabs ...

you make everyone go stand toe to toe in a circle ...

and dump the crabs out in the middle of the circle so that they are forced to run over your feet to get to the ocean. If you jump out of the circle you lose, and everyone can make fun of you for the rest of the weekend.

I am hoping we can come up with a version of this game to play in san francisco, though I am not sure what we would be able to collect other than stray dogs or hippies, and those just wouldn't be quite the same.


  1. That crab thing freaks my noodle!

  2. Y'all were down there too? Cool!

    We call chasing crabs at night, "ghost crabbing." I'm not sure why we have a name for running around chasing crabs (we never pick them up), but we do.

    Glad you had a good time down there!


    I used to go there every summer with my parents in the last week of the summer. But then when I went to college, they didn't change the week they went, so I haven't there in several years.

    Also, my parents don't love me.

  4. good clean crab fun.

  5. where are the ducks?! ghost crab the whip? huh?

  6. being from NC i have played and masterfully failed the crab game as i scream like the girl i am.

    OH and how many OBX stickers on cars did you see, like tons right, i know it is supposed to stand for Outer Banks, but i tell people it mean "obnoxious"

    cause it is...

  7. Aww! Rob proposed on the outer banks. This brought back some good memories...well, not the crab part...but the rest did ;)

  8. Mutual friends are the new awesome. Jocelyn and I are friends from grad school.

  9. so. many. mormons.

    i always hear good stories from this trip.

  10. Whenever I see crabs I can't help but think of that segment on Winged Migration. Anyone else?

  11. oh yes... duck beach. the ultimate singles ward dance the lasts all weekend long. my husband and i were talking about it this weekend and how much fun it was

  12. You know, most spring-breakers get crabs. I think they make a cream for that.

    And I'm more scared of running and then stepping on one, which would be even more traumatic- needless to say, just READING this post made my body break out in hives.

  13. Angel's Allure was not only NOT that alluring (spiders, spiderwebs, etc), but it totally sounds like an adult film star.
    What was alluring: you meeting part of your fan base and not being totally like Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton; being on your foosball squad of domination (but only on Monday morning---the rest of the time you beat me like Apollo Anton Ono beat Joey Fatone); and the constant stream of food that came our way.
    Seriously, though, good to finally meet you. Hope you have a fantastic time in New York.

  14. Oh man- I had no idea that you guys all have so much Duck history. I would have asked for pointers if I had known you were all experts.

    mf - i am glad you finally got your own photo posted on the blog, even if it did have to be one of you making an angel face.

  15. so you went on vacation with a bunch of Mormons and caught crabs?

  16. I think that getting crabs is part of the Duck experience. They advertise it at such fine establishments as THIS. Really classy.

    And, the angel face photo is my new awesome. I'm thinking of blowing that one up and putting it on my wall.

  17. MF, I agree that getting crabs is part of the Duck experience. We did this on Tuesday morning and though we didn't try the circle of trust, we jumped around the beach for a good while before getting way too creeped out and heading home. Bex, maybe we should head down to Baker Beach some night to see if we can catch some crabs; that might be an exciting experience. Can we make t-shirts that say "I got crabs at Baker Beach"?

  18. Anonymous5:37 PM

    my favorite part of the 2001 heineman family reunion in the obx? all of the crabs jokes. seems like friends and families alike catch crabs in the outer banks.

  19. crabs...did you see the signs along the way that "i got my crabs from dirty dicks?!?" loved seeing you here. i'm still here and loving the waves of the atlantic outside my back door right now.

  20. I get it,


    like the venereal disease!

  21. Anonymous10:32 PM

    i know that this has turned into something a bit off-subject, but i think referring to std's as vd's is way more funny. yay, damian.
