Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pizza adventures are the new awesome

My brother in law Joseph McRae and his business partner Colton Soelberg are in the final stages of preparation before opening their very own upscale pizzeria in Provo, UT (I'll post more about this in the near future). When I say pizzeria I'm sure the images that come to mind are beer mugs and glass shakers full of Parmesan cheese and crushed red peppers but that's not what you're going to get at Joseph & Colton's place.

They have been inspired by a few places here in SF so Steve and I thought it would be a good idea to check them out. The first place we tried and our absolute most favorite is called A16.

Their menu is amazing...we shared their steak carpaccio & arugula salad and also their white bean puree for starters. Then we ordered the margherita pizza with prosciutto de parma added. AMAZING.

I loved that I was drinking a "Diet Coke Lite" from a cute bottle.

Another place we tried was Pizzeria Delfina on 18th. Also amazing (and conveniently located ten feet away from arguably the best bakery in San Francisco, Tartine). We didn't love the pizza quite as much here but their fresh-stretched mozzarella appetizer was maybe the best thing I've ever eaten.

And just in case you think we've only been trying out fancy-shmancy pizzerias, let me tell you that we also had a fantastic, less-fancy, super celebrity experience at Pizza Orgasmica on Clement St. Not only did we share a great salad and pizza here, we also ate at the table next to our new best friend Conan O'Brien.


  1. Now when you eat Joe and Colton's pizza, you guys will officially be experts. Are you going to invite Conan to the opening?

  2. Yes, I think we'll invite Coco. (His good friends call him that...)

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Pizzetta 211, Bets. It would kick ass if it was big enough to raise a leg in their tiny dining room.

  4. I just picked up a pizza at Armando's in Boston. Armando himself came outside and paid my parking meter (so I could take my time picking out soda), and then he gave me a big hug. Armando's pizza is supergreasy, meaning it's supergood and the slices are so thin and wide you need to fold them over just to get one in your mouth.
    Armando is pretty much my new BFF and I heart his pinapple pizza!

  5. boy do we love pizza!

  6. I would love to sample their upscale pizza. Will they be open by May 4 for my next trip to Provo?

  7. Nope...their estimated date is in June I think. I'll post about it as soon as the dates are finalized.

  8. Slow Club has delicious flat bread pizza. Yum!

  9. Hi -- I'm a total stranger but came across you through a series of clicks... I'm pretty sure you're a friend of a friend of a friend of a sister of a friend of mine. Anyway just wanted to tell you that I LOVE that your blog is called "the new awesome" and I wish I'd thought of that name first!

    PS the Shins rock too!

  10. if it's opening before June 23 then i might actually be able to check it out!

  11. totally unrelated, but since you have experience with mouse taxidermy, I couldn't resist posting this...

  12. I'm a little surprised deja vu didn't make the list. Althought it is kind of ghetto fab.

    Speaking of the fabulous, Bets you are looking super hott.

  13. welcome sara! i love new friends like you! brack...did you really have to post the mouse pic on food post? :) and veeda! did you know i've NEVER been to deja vu? i know it's unacceptable. i'll go this week and report back.

  14. I'm new to "the new awesome"...came here through k8's blog. Anyway, I recently move to Provo and, as a Bay Area native, I'm pretty excited for some good pizza. Do you know where they're opening?

    p.s. love your blog!

  15. It will be opening sometime in's literally being built as we speak...walls went up last week! It really is going to be just the hip thing Provo needs. I'll post more as soon as I get the news.

    And welcome Chloe! Where did you grow up in the Bay Area? I'm a native myself.

  16. Wow, that Joseph McRae guy himself must be the new awesome. He's also featured on the "Inside the Artist's Studio" blog ( and he was on "Good Things Utah" (Utah's version of "The View") this morning! I can only imagine that the next best thing to being his sister-in-law is being his next-door neighbor! We will definitely be first in line when his pizzeria opens!

    P.S. I am also jealous that you are tight with Conan. We love him and have been enjoying his SF shows every night this week!

  17. also - bracken. that mouse mouse is the best idea you have ever given me.
