the new awesome

whatever we are blogging about, that's the new awesome

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tactoberfest is the new awesome

Like Rebecca was saying, we were both in SLC this past weekend and Saturday night we met up with the Wasatch Front's finest to ring in the month of October.

We decided to pay $16 to get our pants scared off at a haunted house in SLC. Kristen, Rebecca and Rob still have their pants on.

Jeff has been talking to some girl he doesn't know on his cell phone and her boyfriend found out and is so t-o'd that he decided to send Jeff a series of threatening text messages that have turned out to be the best entertainment of 2006.

If you're going into a scary haunted house full of dead people and chain saws and 3d neon fright chambers you want to bring guys like Lee, Mike and Jeff for sure.

Here's a tip for any of you guys (or girls) out there who have dreamed of holding Casey and/or Michelle's hand for an extended period of time, walk next to them in a haunted house. I held hands with them for 15 minutes straight.

Once the clock struck midnight we decided it was time to ring in the month of October right with Tactoberfest. And there is nowhere better to ring in Tactoberfest than at Beto's. Kristen decided to play it safe with a classic bean and cheese burrito.

Lee did the exact opposite of playing it safe when he ordered twelve fried, rolled tacos with guacamole, sour cream and extra grease.

Rebecca and Rob pretended not to be hungry but they sure ate a lot of bites of everyone else's stuff.

Rebmember how Jeff has a giant new truck? His giant new truck fits 7 adults almost comfortably!

Also, remember one time when Rebecca and I talked about how our girl crush was Alison from Project Runway? That was true until Alison was replaced by Kristen. Kristen is our new girl crush because she's so pretty and because she thinks of fun things to do like take timer photos in the car while the car is moving.


  • At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the only haunted house worth sixteen dollars is a haunted house which guarantees that at least one person in your party will never leave alive, and by how scared Jesus would be of it. Jesus invented chainsaw cannibals and so as a rule could not be that frightened of them. He also invented 3d, so I think that your sixteen dollar haunted house might not keep Him up nights. Him.

  • At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jesus invented 3D back in the fourties, and Warner Brothers still takes credit for it. I know that in his mercy He allows them to continue to take credit for it, and if He willed it he could sink the entire Warner Brother empire into a volcano, but it just doesnt seem fair.

  • At 9:06 AM, Blogger brian said…

    if jesus is god and god created everything, can jesus ever be scared? or is god an unworkable concept. try and answer this question: could jesus create something so scary that he would be scared by it? remember that as a rule, whatever jesus creates he can't be scared by. so i guess jesus isn't all powerful.

    so, i tried to call you on saturday, but my brother must have given me the wrong number. but i left one of the best messages of my life.

  • At 11:10 AM, Blogger Betsy said…

    Look haters, don't be mad just because you weren't in on the HH fun. Now take your hatred over to that I Hate Snakes from Outer Space website.

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Hoon said…

    Pirates of the Scare-ibbean!

  • At 12:47 PM, Blogger k tron said…

    don't hate. appreciate.


  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger bex said…

    i am just glad that i had my pants on for the tactoberfest part of the evening.

    brian - you should call my right number now and leave me the second best message of your life.

  • At 4:21 PM, Blogger Cache said…

    hey brian, your mom is scared of you.

  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Cache said…

    scared to death. or could she have even created him in the first place?

  • At 9:05 PM, Blogger brian said…

    i don't remember claiming that my mom was god. i mean she's dead so she can't very well be god. and she died of cancer, not fright.

  • At 10:27 PM, Blogger Tannerama said…

    I had a little celebration of my own last weekend... it was called scotchtoberfest. It mostly consisted of me drinking till I fell asleep.

  • At 2:08 AM, Blogger Cache said…

    my point was that your arguement was redicuous (and maybe that was what you intended). I overreact after being exposed to stupid arguements, especially when they are for or against the existence of God.

  • At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, what I want to know is how you all made it out of the burning haunted house alive? Or the burning truck? Or the burning tacoshop for that matter?

    Because there is NO EFFIN' WAY that Bex, Bets, K-Tron and Hooner all went into the same building without their combined HOTTness burning that place to the ground.

  • At 8:44 AM, Blogger brian said…

    i get it. so you're always over-reacting since you're always exposed to your own, in your words, redicuous arguments. i always include (mis)attempts at humor as arguments and your's where, again in your words, redicuous.

    and my joke wasn't an argument against god, but an argument against certain conceptions of god. it's basically a parody of the problem of evil.

    and my mom is dead.

  • At 10:10 AM, Blogger Betsy said…

    Remember how awesome Tactoberfest is?

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger Damian said…

    All I know is that I changed my place in line in the Haunted House several times and I got not one hand holded.

    It makes me want to puke.

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger bex said…

    manf - i thought you wanted to puke the whole time because of the potential malaria! not because of lack of handholding

    (this might be kind of the catch-22 ... you want to puke when no one holds your hand, yet no one holds hands with boys that look to be about to puke)?

    and boys - we should focus less on God and moms and more on that guy that created the lightbulb! talk about not knowing what kind of scary things your creation was going to do ...

    tanner. when you come visit next week, just promise we wont be celebrating crotchtoberfest, okay?

  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger Damian said…


    these are the paradoxes that rule my life.

  • At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What was cache thinking, arguing with a monkey.

  • At 4:21 PM, Blogger Cindy Bean said…

    Rob looks really cute in that first picture.

  • At 5:53 PM, Blogger brian said…

    not just any monkey, one that smokes

  • At 6:43 PM, Blogger Betsy said…

    No no...Jeff smokes. Keep it straight.

  • At 2:21 AM, Blogger Cache said…

    a dentist who smokes seems similar to an overwieght personal trainer. i'd like to be either, but the question is whether i would rather smoke or eat more doughnuts. doughnuts...

  • At 3:07 AM, Blogger Mike Kelly said…

    i was the only one that actually got tacos that night, where are the picture of those? and k tron took one bite of one while i was getting more sierra mist. and it was half the f*cking taco.

  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger brian said…

    cache, get ready to over-react to a bad argument. but, suprise . . . it's your own.

    how is a dentist that smokes like an over-weight trainer? i understand that smoking isn't like flossing. in other words it possibly impacts teeth negatively. mostly it discolors teeth, but as a dentist, jeff has access to free teeth whitening. and given that smoking can be linked to tooth decay (which i'm not too sure of), i doubt it's as bad as something like soda. so the argument from analogy doesn't work.

  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger Betsy said…

    I don't really care about your stupid arguments. I just wanted this post to have 30 comments.


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